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Wikibadges is a collaborative tool to support open recognition. It is a free, simple online wiki built on the open source Dokuwiki. Individuals and communities can use Wikibadges to co-create Open Badge content (badge classes). All badge content created in Wikibadges is licensed under CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Anyone can freely create, edit and copy badge classes for issuing.

Wikibadges should be considered as a proof of concept. It is an initiative developed and hosted by Open Badge Factory to explore what happens when individuals and community members can work together on the development of badge content in an open environment.

You can start creating badges by adding your badge name to the text box below. It creates a new page using a special template where you can fill in the data that makes up an Open Badge. When you have created content in Wikibadges you can request your Contributor badge!

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