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Critical Information Summary - Oliver 2019

Import this metadata as a starting point for badges aligned to the Critical Information Summary model recommended in (Oliver, 2019, p.25). Replace this text with your own description.

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Oliver, B. (2019). Making micro-credentials work for learners, employers and providers. Deakin University. Page 25.

—- (Other Criteria information here)

Critical Information Summary

Edit content as appropriate. Delete/replace content in parentheses

Lightly adapted from: Oliver, B. (2019). Making micro-credentials work for learners, employers and providers. Deakin University. Page 25.

Title and brief description

Name of certificate

(Name here)


(30 words here)

Certified learning

(In up to 100 words, describe what the successful learner knows and can do based on their assessed learning)

How learner participated

(Choose one by deleting others)

Online only

Onsite only

Both onsite and online

Effort required (including assessment)

(X) hours for a typical learner with no prior learning

Complexity of main assessment task

(Choose one, best fit; delete others)

No assessment

Testing recall of facts

Application of a skill to a routine problem

Application of a skill to a complex problem

Application of multiple skills to routine problems

Application of multiple skills to complex problems

Portfolio and reflective evidence for validation of proficiency

Supervision and identity verification

(Choose one, best fit; delete others)

Unsupervised, no identity verification

Supervised online or on-site, identity not verified

Supervised online, identity verified (one factor)

Supervised online, identity verified (two factors)

Supervised onsite, identity verified (one factor)

Supervised onsite, identity verified (two factors)

If assessed, equivalent level (main task)

(Choose one, delete others)

Not at degree level






Quality assurance

(Choose one, delete others)



Names of accrediting or endorsing bodies

Successful learner earns:

  • admission to a degree program: (YES or NO)(If YES, state degree(s) and institution(s))
  • credit towards a degree program: (YES or NO)(If YES, state credit value and degree(s) and institution(s))