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Critical Information Summary - Micro-credential Shapiro 2020

Import this metadata as a starting point for badges aligned to the Critical Information Summary model proposed in (Shapiro et al., 2020, p.13). Replace this text with your own description.

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Shapiro et al. (2020). A European approach to micro-credentials. European Union.


(Insert other Criteria information here as appropriate.)

Critical Information Summary: "Proposed EU Standard of constitutive elements of micro-credentials"

Source: Shapiro et al. (2020). A European approach to micro-credentials. European Union.

Elements marked with an asterisk (*) are optional.

(Edit content as appropriate. Delete/replace all content in parentheses)

Identification of the learner

(Choose one, delete other) TRUE FALSE

Title of the micro-credential

(Choose one, delete other) TRUE FALSE

Country/region of the issuer

(Content here)

Awarding body

(Open Badges: “Issuer”. Choose one, delete other) TRUE FALSE

Date of issuing

(Choose one, delete other) TRUE FALSE

Notional workload

(needed to achieve the learning outcomes; in ECTS, wherever possible)

Level [and cycle, if applicable] of the learning experience leading to the micro-credential

(EQF and/or national qualifications framework; Overarching Framework of Qualifications of the European Education Area)

Form of participation in the learning activity

(online, onsite or blended, volunteering, work experience)

Prerequisites needed to enrol in the learning activity*

Type of assessment

(testing, application of a skill, portfolio, recognition of prior learning, etc.)

Supervision and identity verification during assessment

(unsupervised with no identity verification, supervised with no identity verification, supervised online or onsite with identity verification)

Quality assurance of the credential and, where relevant, of the learning content

(Content here)

Grade achieved*

Integration/stackability options*

(standalone, independent micro-credential / integrated, stackable towards another credential)

Further information*