Translations of this page:

Selfie - I Did A Hard Thing

Everyone has to learn new things and solve problems every day, accomplishing often unanticipated hard tasks in ways that are generally not well recognized. Here's my story about the hard thing I did and why I think it's worth mentioning.

#problem-solving #resilience #metacognition #heutagogy #otherbigwords

4D Education > Character > Resilience

4D Education > Meta-Learning > Metacognition

4D Education > Meta-Learning > Growth Mindset


(Delete all content in parentheses)

What I did and why it was hard

(HINT: Telling a story makes it more memorable. But not too long!)

How this makes a difference

(Benefits to you or to others)

(OPTIONAL - Delete this section if you don't use it)

Supporting evidence

(Link to a file or other web content - if you're issuing the badge to yourself, it's easier to add evidence to your issued badge.)

(OPTIONAL - Delete this section if you don't use it)

Originally developed for, “Canada's skills recognition solution” as a “no review” badge application.